Monday, 26 October 2015

Food For Thought

Its amazing how little can be enough when we are happy ; I heard this some where and i felt contented, not achieved but contented ; sometimes, the downside of our life  is the watershed of our Success.
Have a fulfilled day.
*always Julius*

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

food for thought

I am used to being underestimated , I suppose it is because i look fragile (I have been told that once),never the less , I have the priority to prove my capability . I am no Plato , no Aristotle , not absolutely sagacious. I might not have hundreds of laurels or dozens of Olympic medals ; but that does not make me any less human and does not make the people who do  have any super human ; in a nut shell we are all humans  and its all vanity.
Why envy ,when we could be inspired ?  